Wednesday, December 17, 2008

God Bless Muntazir al-Zaidi...!

(Picture Courtesy of

'An Iraqi journalist, Muntazir al-Zaidi, 28, a correspondent for Al Baghdadia, an independent Iraqi television station, stood up about 12 feet from Mr. Bush and shouted in Arabic: “This is a gift from the Iraqis; this is the farewell kiss, you dog!” He then threw a shoe at Mr. Bush, who ducked and narrowly avoided it.
As stunned security agents and guards, officials and journalists watched, Mr. Zaidi then threw his other shoe, shouting in Arabic, “This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq!” That shoe also narrowly missed Mr. Bush as Prime Minister Maliki stuck a hand in front of the president’s face to help shield him.'
-The NY Times, published 14th December 2008

This guy clearly had guts. He did what should've been done a long time ago. And what's with the journalist sitting infront of Zaidi trying to stop him what was he doing trying to pose as Bush's saviour?
I have a question for George Bush that if he did all those things to Iraq claiming to bring so called democracy then what's wrong with Zaidi expressing himself...??? Why is he under custody? He used his democratic right so why is he being tortured? Bush and the likes of you May you all rot in hell for what you did to Iraq. And hats off to Zaidi for giving Bush the farewell he deserved...:P)
For your own little contribution in Bush's izzat visit

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